7 Pedestrian Safety Tips: Help Your Kids Stay Safe on the Road and Not Get Hit by a Car

Image by John Willink at Pexels

When your kids begin to walk, they’ll want to cross the road. Usually, your kids are taught road safety tips at school, but you still need to teach them to stay safe on the road while at home. Don’t assume that your children know everything; in short, don’t take chances. There’s no need of losing your loved one because of ignorance. Below are 7 safety tips to help your kids stay safe on the road and not get hit by a car.

1) Use Pedestrian Crossing Like Zebra Crossing

Kids are very observant and may fail to use the zebra crossing, especially when they see their elders ignore it. They may not also estimate the time a car will take to reach them before crossing the road. That’s very dangerous and that’s why you should teach your children the importance of zebra crossing.

2) Avoid Distractions

It’s common to see people cross the road while listening to music, being on phone or chatting with friends. All these are distractions that will make you lose concentration and get hit by a car. It is not advisable to do any of those while next to the road. Kindly avoid such distractions at all times.

3) Be Visible

It is advisable that you wear visible clothes, especially during the night. You should wear reflective clothing at night and brightly colored clothes during the day so that the driver can easily spot you. Additionally, you can make eye contact with the driver to make sure he or she is seeing you (this isn’t a must.)

4) Walk in Safe Places

You should walk on sidewalks at all times. If there is no sidewalk, kindly walk on the far side of the road. This will help the drivers see you and take caution not to hit you. Additionally, you should avoid walking on highways or any other places that are prohibited on the road.

5) Follow the Rules

You should know what every traffic sign means to know when to cross the road and when not to. Mistake most kids make is assuming that drivers are seeing and that drivers will give them space. That’s a big lie. Never assume anything. Steward Guss explains how you may follow the traffic rules, but another driver will still be careless and cause accidents. You may want to read more here www.AttorneyGuss.com/services/car-accident-attorney-houston.

6) Children Need to Cross the Road With an Adult

It is obvious that children may not understand all the traffic rules and road signs. In addition, most children cannot judge the speed of a coming vehicle. That’s why it’s advisable that an elderly person help them cross the road.

7) Teach Your Kids To Always Look Left, Right and Then Left Before Crossing

This is a basic rule you kids are taught in school, but you still need to stress it to them. Insisting on the left, right and then left rule make your kids know it’s importance. Occasionally, when you go out with your children, make sure that you look left, right and then right so that they learn from you.

Bottom Line

Children are a blessing to every parent. Therefore, you should teach your kids the road safety rules and teach them how to cross the road. It will save you the agony of losing a precious gift given to you by God.

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