It’s been a while since I last brag about my daughter’s achievements. Not because I have nothing to brag about, but because she doesn’t want me to post anything about her anymore. She’s smart and talented but quite shy. I asked her permission to post this and I’m glad that she said yes.
Every year, my daughter’s school conducts Verbal Ability and Nonverbal Ability Tests to each students. The Verbal Ability Tests measures the verbal-educational factor. Variety of tasks that call for the application of several processes to verbal, quantitative and pictorial content are given to students. While the Nonverbal Ability Tests measure the reasoning and abstract conceptualization of students. The Life Caoches (Guidance Counselors during my time) then evaluate and rank the students based on test results.
Stanine Description 9 Very High 8 High 7 Above Average 6 Little Above Average 5 Average 4 Little Below Averge 3 Below Average 2 Low 1 Very Low
On the said tests, RJ got a Percentile Rank of 91. This means she belongs to the upper 9% of all those who took the tests. While her Stanine score is 8 (with 1 as the lowest and 9 as the highest). Stanine indicate a given student’s level of general abstract reasoning ability when the student is compared with the students of the same chronological age. To give you an idea, below are the Stanine scores and the corresponding descriptions.
With a Stanine score of 8 which is high, it means RJ performed above the typical student of her age and we are so proud of her.
Verbal Ability Tests and Nonverbal Ability Tests are important to measure the child’s verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning. It can also be an indicator of a child’s ability to learn new things, identify patterns, solve problems and discern relationships. If the child gets a low assessment, the parents should talk to the teacher or school’s life coaches to know the child’s weakest areas and help them fill these gaps. The tests also helps to know a child’s strengths. Thus, parents can help their child to improve or make the most of his/her strengths.
congrats, RJ! so proud of you! 🙂
Wow, that IS impressive! Congrats to you and your daughter, Rossel! 🙂 I haven’t been by in a while, I just wanted to say hi again 😉