Mobile Phone Recycling: A Call For A Greener Earth

With advances in technology making it easier for engineers to design and to manufacture gadgets, new mobile phones with advanced features roll out factories faster than we can fully learn all the applications of our current ones. Since companies have also tried to make mobile phones quite affordable, many people upgrade their mobiles to the latest one much like they change their wardrobe.

Now, if a person were to keep every single phone he has owned in his lifetime, he would most likely have a closetful of old mobile phones. If he chooses to throw them instead, he’d have contributed heavily to the piles of trash that hasten our planet’s degradation.

Instead of ending up with dozens of old mobile rendered useless, it would be prudent to sell old mobile phones for two practical reasons:

You save the Earth in your own little way. By selling your old mobile, you contribute in creating a sustainable environment. Functioning mobiles can still be used by those who cannot afford brand new ones and lessen the need to manufacture more mobile phones. Those that are beyond repair are usually broken down into their components which are then used in manufacturing other gadgets.

You gain extra cash. The money you earn from selling your old mobile can be used to pay for your new one or be used for other expenses. With the high cost of living nowadays, we all need the extra money we can get from our pre-loved items.

Now, before you do sell your mobile phone, do make sure that you do a factory reset, remove the SIM card, and the SD card if it has one. This lessens the chances of a new user being able to access any of your personal data stored in your old mobile.

Business Phone Systems for Better Customer Relations

Have you experienced calling a company but instead of being entertained immediately, it’s either no one was answering or you were put on hold for a long time? Well, it happened to me yesterday. I called my daughter’s school to ask if their journal is available yet but I was put on hold until I heard the busy tone. I dialed again, was put on hold and I heard the busy tone again. It pissed me off because my time was wasted dialing and waiting. It is a big school, catering students from pre-school to college and yet they are still using a conventional digital phone. It’s about time for the school admin to have business phone system installed in the school.

Business phone systemshave an auto-attendant responsible for receiving, transferring and relaying communication services thus customers can be easily transferred between locations. It is very helpful in connecting departments and it is the easiest way for the customer to reach certain office or business. It may be a little cozy than the conventional digital phone but it can boost customer relations which is very important for every business.

I think I need to open up this topic with the school admin on our next parents and teachers interaction (PTI).


Image not mine.