I had another great “Me” time this week. Would you believe it’s free? I was blogging in our terrace using my lappy when three women approached and asked me if I want to try their portable steam bath. I was hesitant at first but after making sure that there’s no string attached, I tried it. They set up the unit in a few minutes then there I go.
The unit is like a tent, only it uses high quality polyurethane siding to retain all heat inside and prevent as little steam from leaving as possible. It comes with a remote controlled steamer machine where one of the women pour 1 liter of water with ginger and lime juice. According to her we can use any kind of herb that is good for the skin or anything that we believe is a good antioxidant, even coffee or milk.
I was asked to drink a glass of water while waiting for the water in the steamer to boil. It’s a half body steam bath so I sat on a monoblock chair to cover up to my neck. I was inside for about 20 minutes and I perspired so much. I had a great free hot health treatment…a very relaxing “Me” time that keeps me sane the whole week.