Pure ‘N Fresh Cologne: My Daughter’s Everyday Companion

After their final exams, RJ went home in her PE shirt with messages and signatures all over. She was teary-eyed while reading the messages…”I will miss you”, “Stay pretty”, “Don’t change”, “I love you”. She said six years is over…six years of fun, laughter and friendship.

farewell shirt
RJ is friendly and compassionate that is why she has many friends. I know she will miss everything, her teachers, classmate, friends and her crush. I remember there was this boy who always says that RJ smells good. Kids! They will say whatever they want. Thanks to Pure ‘N Fresh Cologne for being my daughter’s everyday companion. It is what keeps her fresh all day long despite of her hectic schedule this month; completing the projects and requirements for graduation, reviewing for the finals and preparing for their graduation.

Pure ‘N Fresh Cologne is a product of Unilab. It is available in three fruity scents but the Blush Berry is RJ’s most favorite. Check on Pure ‘N Fresh here and like their FB page https://www.facebook.com/purenfreshforteens for more updates.

Pure 'N Fresh cologne
Time flies really fast. I can’t believe that it’s been six years since RJ first set foot on big school. I told her that it is not over yet. She’ll miss her grade school environment for sure but she also needs to embrace the new changes in her life. She’ll face new challenges. She’ll get to know new teachers and new classmates. She’ll gain new friends, experiences and a new level of freedom. High school life may seem daunting but it is also the most exciting. I know that with RJ’s positive attitude and confidence there’s nothing she can’t handle.


Our Deepest Sympathy

High school life is the most exciting stage of my life as a student. I had so many friends from different groups when I was in high school but got only two best friends, Hazel and Mylene. We were all welcome on one another’s family and often did hang out at one another’s place.

Me, Hazel and Mylene

Just like my parents, Hazel and Mylene’s parents are all very kind and understanding. They understand if we need to sleep over or have “lupakan” or make “nilupak” on their places. By the way “nilupak” is a combination of pounded bananas, coconut meat, sugar and vanilla.

All of our parents were very supportive with our projects and programs in school. They even prepared snacks whenever we have rehearsals. It’s been twenty three years and it’s sad to know that Mylene’s dad passed away last Saturday, February 19, due to kidney problem and some complications. I know how hard it is to lose someone in the family. How I wish I was there to comfort Mylene.

To Mylene and the rest of her family, our deepest sympathy and condolences.

I know, the grief that follows is often very painful so Mylene, if you need someone to talk to about who your dad was or what was special about him, or if you just want to hang out with me, you know how to contact me.