Breastfeeding Positions

Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. It is natural, pure and inexpensive. Breast milk is best for your baby because it is capable of meeting your baby’s nutritional needs for the first four to six months by providing the right balance of nutrients. But do you know that nursing your baby is also best for you? Just like fat burners, breastfeeding can help you lose the extra weight you gained during your pregnancy because it mobilizes the fat even those stored before pregnancy.

However, most first time Moms find breastfeeding uncomfortable. Don’t be discouraged. Instead, think that your baby needs your milk for him/her to grow into a strong and healthy toddler. You can try the following positions until you find the most comfortable for you.

Cradle Position

Hold your baby while you are seated. Baby lies tummy to tummy across your lap while supporting your baby’s head with your bend elbow. Keep the baby’s head higher than the rest of his/her body. You can use pillow to raise the head to your breast level. Ensure that your back is adequately supported.

Lying Down

Elevate your head with pillows so you can easily see your baby. The pillows will also prevent neck strains. Baby is sideways, tummy to tummy with you. Guide your baby gently onto your breast. Place a small pillow, towel or any thick cloth to cover you incision and protect it in case you baby kicks.

Football Hold

Just like the cradle position, you can breastfeed your baby while you are seated. Ensure that there’s pillow behind your back for support. Place a big pillow on your lap then rest your baby on top of the pillow. Using your palm, slightly tilt your baby’s head and direct his/her mouth to your nipple. This is a good position for Moms who delivered via cesarean.

As much as possible, use well-fitted special nursing bra for easier and comfortable breastfeeding most especially when you need to go out with your baby.

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash