Handling Defiance and Aggression in Children

It is not uncommon for children to go through a stage wherein they become defiant and aggressive. This is part of growing up and asserting their individuality. It is, however, important for parents to handle defiance and aggression in children properly. Mistakes at this point in your children’s lives will affect the way they view such behavior in adulthood. They should understand early on how this kind of behavior should be controlled and channeled to more productive feelings and emotions.

handling defiance and aggression
It is important for parents to handle defiance
and aggression in children properly.

Defiance and aggression in children can manifest in various ways. It could be as simple as grabbing toys or refusing to take a bath. When left unaddressed, this kind of behavior can turn into more serious displays of ill temper and being resentful, spiteful, vindictive, and destructive. Parents of these children might react by going head-on with their children or by thinking that they are bad parents. Hope is not lost especially when you catch this behavior early on. Parents have to understand where the behavior is coming from and why their children are behaving in such a manner.

Jumping right at your child’s face and berating him for his actions does not cut it. What you might not realize is that you are behaving in the same aggressive behavior that you want him to stop. If you do not want to tolerate defiance and aggression in children, you have to set a good example by not behaving the same way in front of your children. You have to be calm as you address the situation. Instead of screaming at your child, tell him that his behavior is unacceptable in a calm but firm manner. Remove your child from the situation and then have a talk with him when he is calmer. Explain why such behavior is not tolerated and present alternative ways to deal with the situation. Help him understand and manage his emotions so he can respond to them in more positive ways. If you feel that you are not seeing any progress, feel free to consult a child therapist or a psychologist for professional help. There are behavioral therapies that can be done to treat serious defiance and aggression in children.

Image Credit:
David Castillo Dominici – FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

Simple Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Creativity

Children have inane talents and creativity that when encouraged by parents, can lead to great achievements. It is a wonderful gift from God that should be nurtured and put in practice, but the question now is, how as parents can you help your child explore their creative talents? Here are a few suggestions that may help you and your child’s creativity take flight.
nurturing child's creativity

Let them Explore

According to the country’s renowned neurologist, Dr. Cuanang of St. Luke’s Medical Center, “creativity is the highest form of expression of what the mind can be capable of.” He advises parents to allow their kids to gravitate towards what they are most interested in. Do not block the child, rather watch for the things that they like and don’t like as they grow up.

Expose Kids to Creative Sensibilities

Parents should be very strict when it comes to children trying to express their imagination. Books are very significant in opening up child’s creativity and it exposes him/her to many things. Special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas should also be encourage to put up shows, sing or dance to entertain the adults. During summer breaks, you can also enroll them in basic photography workshop or art classes, voice or guitar lessons, dance and acting classes, the opportunities out there is boundless!

Be Their Role Model

One of the best ways to help nurture child’s creativity is to set an example to them. If they see you and people around him being musical, artsy and creative, he will remember the things that you usually do and will follow your lead. Seeing you or any of your family members practicing vocal harmony, cousins being in a dance troupe or moms being creative in the kitchens will lead a kid’s interest towards the same.

Broaden their Mind and Body

The mind can imagine the wildest things, exercise your child’s mind potential by reading, telling stories, going out, travelling and even dreaming! The body has lots of ways to move, to express and communicate. Teach your child to express with their eyes and communicate with their voices and their body language. Give Positive Reinforcements

This doesn’t need to be material things, but giving kids constant pat of the back and sincere praises for their creativity does wonders for validating their efforts and nurturing their creative talents.

Image Credit:
David Castillo Dominici

Supporting Your Children’s Dreams

children's dreamIt is so exciting to hear children’s dreams, as to what they want to be when they grow up. Parents all too willingly oblige their children when they dress-up in costumes and play pretend. Kiddie versions of adult tools and kits for doctors, nurses, carpenters, firemen, policemen, scientist, and other professions are such hits in toy stores. Most children are really not all that serious about these dreams at such young age – it could simply be the cool red fire truck or the spiffy looking coat that attracts these kids. Their dreams will be more concrete over time as they develop their skills and interests. In the meantime, parents will simply have to provide various stimuli to their children to help them discover what they really want to do.

Although exposing kids to toys, books, lessons, and movies about specific occupations and careers is recommended, parents are advised to examine their own motivations for doing so. In some cases, parents could unconsciously be trying to influence a child towards a certain direction. Often, this direction has to do with the parents’ own dreams and aspirations. Starting the children’s dream this way might not be the wisest thing to do. They might eventually find themselves unable to achieve their dreams simply because their hearts are not into it. There are people who find themselves unsatisfied with what they have achieved despite succeeding in their professions. And, this is largely because they were “pushed” into the careers by their parents.

Encouraging children to dream and helping them pursue their dream starts with helping them discover themselves. Be observant about what activities and materials your child takes a special interest to. Support him in the activities that he excels in and provide what he needs to enhance his skills and build his competencies. And when he is ready to build his own dream, assure him that you will be there to walk through the journey with him.

Image Credit:
Ambro – Free Digital Photos.Net

What Happens When Parents Are Too Permissive

Parenting is a lifetime process and no one really knows how to do it perfectly. In most cases, parenting is being reflected on how you experienced it from your parents and whenever you find it effective, you would also do it to your kids.

Some new parents would keep themselves busy reading parenting books or perhaps watching parenting guide videos. However, parenting is subjective and parenting is unique in each individual. The parenting style of one person may not be effective to the other and entire process is fully trial and error.

permissive parent

There are parents who don’t want their children to be upset. As much possible, they see to it that everything that their children want would be given. This is the time wherein parents tend to become very permissive. Permissive parenting is one of those four types of parenting wherein there is little or minimal rules implemented. They don’t pressure their kids that much when it comes to curfew, things that shouldn’t be done and they will just allow them to learn their own mistakes. Somehow it builds independence but in the long run, children wouldn’t be able to learn how to organize themselves.

If children are used that their parents are permissive, they would think that anything they want to do would be okay. They would think that they can do things on their own and their parents will just be fine with it.

As time pass by, these kids can’t easily follow rules and regulations that would end up hopping from one workplace to another. Sometimes being too permissive is not good. As the saying goes, “anything too much is not okay”. Same goes with parenting, if you’re too strict, your kids would end up being scared their entire life and if you’re too lax, they would end up disorganized.

Image Credit:
David Castillo Dominici – Free Digital Photos.Net

How To Teach Your Children To Be Compassionate Towards Animals

Is your toddler a tyke towards animals? Pulled tails, smacking, and generally harmful behaviour shows that your little one fails to identify an animal as a living thing that needs kindness. Teaching your child to be compassionate towards animals will reach out to human beings during key development stages, making your kid averse to violence and hurting others.

compassionate towards animals

Children that are kind to animals are more likely to grow up humane, caring, and law-abiding. Compassion is one of the most important values you can teach your little one, as there’s often a link between people who are abusive towards animals and people who are violent towards human beings.

Be Kind To Animals

Lead by example. Reflect on your own actions towards animals. Even if the household pet is irritating you, don’t shout hurtful things towards it or hit the animal. Where possible, include your pet in family life; allow it to live inside with everyone else and treat it as an extension of your family. Make time to play with the animal.

When unwanted creatures enter your home, such as spiders or beetles, don’t kill them. Safely escort them outside. Avoid saying negative things about animals, such as “I hate chickens” or “dogs are annoying.”

Welcome Wildlife Into Your Garden

Work on making your garden animal-friendly. This means planting flowers and plants that attract butterflies and bumblebees. Hanging bird feeders will attract all sorts of feathered friends into your back garden. Make your home a haven for animals and positively reinforce being respectful towards them.

Read Books And Watch Films

Reading books about animals to your child will help develop empathy. Films, such as Bambi and Babe, do the same. This is one time when it’s okay to actively encourage your little one to sit in front of the box.

Adopt A Pet

Going to an animal shelter can help your child identify how everyone needs a loving home, including dogs and cats. Let your little one know that animals which have been abused and neglected need extra love; also explain that the dog or cat may be scared to begin with, so everyone must be gentle with it.

Make a decision together about which pet to adopt and encourage your kid to bond with it. Animals often display very human behaviour, and hopefully your child will pick up on that. Give your new pet a name and a birthday to be celebrated every year.

Go For A Day Out

Every family needs to make the time for a day out. Take your child where the animals are. Whether this is on a long walk in a forest or to the nearest zoo, it’s up to you.

If you go to a safari park, chat about the importance of conservation for animals that are close to extinction and explain the rudiments of evolution – how we are all animals really and that other species are not so different from us.

Post provided by Tony, a British blogger writing on behalf of Knowsley Safari Park.

Image Credit:
Ashley Cox – Free Digital Photos.Net