Reading is the Key to Learning

RJ loves to read so much. I was reading stories to her when she was a baby then she started to read on her own at the age of 3. Until now that she is 9 reading is one of her favorite pass time. Every time we go to bookstores or attend events with books, the book racks and brochure displays are what get her attention. I am thankful that she got both my and hubby’s passion for books as reading would be good for her as she grows up.


According to research, reading helps in child’s mental health. It helps improves child abilities in writing, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension. It also helps the child to be articulate. There are also studies that show that children with poor reading skills have poor understanding and get poor grades. Most of them have low self esteem thus, they fail to improve their abilities and develop full potential.

While your child is young, introduce him or her to good books and encourage him or her to read because reading is the key to learning.

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