Kids Party Tips to Minimize the Clean Up Time

Kids parties are often considered to bring a lot of excitement and positive emotions to the children but unfortunately adults regard these parties as an activity that is demanding and tiresome. When hosting a kids party, every housewife dread to think about the mess and the clean up that has to be performed once the party is over. As a matter of fact, kids parties bring some benefits. Kids don’t smoke so you are not going to have your upholstery burned or your favourite table cloth stained. However, there is another side of the coin. No adult would draw pictures on your walls or leave fingerprints onto the windows on purpose. Although kids parties require you to spend a considerable amount of time in cleaning, you can still reduce it by planning ahead and following these simple steps:

kids party• Is it really necessary to remind you to buy a pack of disposable plates, forks, knives etc.? Apart form saving you a lot of time you would otherwise have spent in washing dishes, the disposable cups and plates are also less dangerous. When dropped on the floor, they are not going to cause an injury or hurt the kid. When the party is over, you can simply gather them in a plastic bag and throw them away.

• The day before the kids party, take a walk around your house, looking for easy to reach, expensive or fragile items. Put them in a safe place. Everything you consider to be dangerous, poisonous or delicate should be kept out of reach.

• What do you think about having the kids party in the backyard? If you have a nice – looking garden or a spacious backyard why don’t you opt for taking the party outdoors? You will be amazed how quickly you will finish the cleaning and bring the backyard back to its normal condition. Plus, having the party outside enables you to skip the procedure mentioned above. There is no need to worry about your expensive possessions.

• If the weather conditions don’t allow the party to be outside, do your best to solve some of the cleaning issues right away. Of course, you don’t have to equip yourself with a mop and rubber gloves waiting for a spillage or stain to deal with but there are some things that require your urgent attention. Sweep the broken glass immediately and don’t let the juice absorb into the carpet or the upholstery fibres. Place a cloth onto the stain as soon as possible.

• This leads to the next recommendation. If you have an expensive set of carpets, roll it up and place some old ones on the floor. Of course, nobody can guarantee that all the kids who are going to attend the party are well – mannered and they will take their dirty shoes off. In other words prepare yourself for a thorough vacuuming and carpet cleaning but in case of a severe damage, you won’t feel sorry for the money you have invested in the carpet. If you don’t have enough time for that hire Sparkling Carpet Cleaners to do it for you.

• It is a well known fact that windows are one of the problematic areas that need vigorous cleaning after the party. You can protect them without wasting your money. All you need is a homemade window cleaning detergent and a newspaper. Apart from quickly absorbing the dirt, the newspaper is said to create a dirt – resistant film that makes the cleaning fairly easy.

• If timely, treated, the stains on the walls will completely disappear provided that you use a powerful all purpose cleaner or a mixture of lukewarm water and soap. It all depends on the type of painting you have.

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