Homemade Fragrant Bath Salts

Mommies are always busy running after a toddler, guiding bigger kids around town, preparing food, washing the dishes. We do all these things for our family to entertain them and to keep them happy. But let us not forget that we also need time for ourselves. Too busy to visit a spa? Well, you can have your own spa treatments at home and can make your own fragrant bath salts using ingredients that you can find in your cupboards.

You will need:

1 cup Epsom salts
1 cup instant non-fat dry milk
1 cup baking soda
1 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tbsp. cream of tartar
1 tbsp. cinnamon

Combine all the ingredients, mix well with a metal spoon and store in a nice decorative container (glass or handmade pottery). Add as much as desired whenever you bathe for a perfumed feeling. Soaking in a hot bath of fragrant bath salts is a good way to relax, release stress and tension in your muscles.


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