3 ½ cups of all purpose flour
½ cup of salt
1 tablespoon of cream of tartar
2 ½ tablespoons of oil
2 cups of water
Food coloring
Boil the water in a pan. Remove from heat once boiling and stir in oil. Put other ingredients in a large mixing bowl then slowly add the water and oil mixture. Mix quickly using a wooden spoon. Once the mixtures have cooled, treat your homemade clay like bread dough until it becomes smooth or pliable and the same consistency as clay you can buy at the store. Color can be added when dough is being cooked or when being kneaded, or modeled objects can be painted when dry. It takes 2 to 3 days for a molded object to dry at room temperature. But for quicker results, you can bake it at 250ºFahrenheit (120ºCelsius) oven for 45 minutes to one hour. When the art has cooled, it can be painted and shellacked to make it more permanent.
Playing with doughs is great for strengthening fine motor skills so be sure to give your child lots of time to explore.
Its a easy to made it at home i also note in my book that how to made this.
thanks a lot for share this great stuff.I like it.
Nice blog.
Yes,play dough is a good toy to express the creativity of children. My youngest also loves to play playdough making pizza pies, hamburgers and what have you. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.