Getting a Life Insurance

Hubby is a very organized man and thinks of the future so much. He got an insurance policy when he was still single and immediately changed his beneficiary after we got married then added RJ  to his beneficiary later on. Hubby’s insurance is a 20 year plan. Eight more years to go and we will be done with it. It is a pension and life insurance though I want to think about it as a pension rather than life insurance. I want him to enjoy it while he is still in good health.

Getting life insurance sounds morbid to others. When they hear life insurance they think about death. The truth is, there are more good reasons for getting a life insurance policy. That is why I am planning of getting one for me.  I don’t want to have regrets in the future when I get ill and realize why I didn’t purchase one. I want my family to be financially protected. I think hubby has the same reasons why he purchased life insurance at an early age. He wants to make sure that we will be provided for financially such as the daily expenses and RJ’s education when something happens to him.

We don’t want to think about morbid things like accidents and death of course but these days when everybody is facing financial difficulties, it is not bad to be practical.

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