Clutter-free Solutions for a Safe Workshop

Having a workshop complete with all the power tools and workstations has always been a dream of mine. But, when you have little children running around, it is not really that safe to have workshop tools and equipment lying around even in a designated area in the house. Not willing to let go of my workshop dreams, I’m constantly looking for creative ways to have my workshop and to make it safe for my kids. I came across Waterloo tool boxes on the internet. The Waterloo Shop Series 26” 6-Drawer Tool Center with Parts Bin and the matching 4-Drawer Workbench look like they would fit right into the area of the garage I’ve set my sights on for my workshop. These look sturdy enough and are fitted with external keyed lock bars to keep my tools and parts out of reach of the little ones.

Keeping your children safe does not only apply to your workshop. There are other items in the house too that can pose hazards to your children. You also have to look for clutter-free solutions for the home to stash away everything that could possibly cause accidental injuries. Depending on the age of your child, you might have to add more safety precautions to prevent your child from playing with or going near things in the house that he should not touch. Baby and child care stores would have safety accessories as plastic safety gates and cabinet ties for toddler proofing your home.

Marking off the workshop and any other area you do not want your kids to go to is always recommended. Use gates or block entryways so that younger kids cannot crawl into these places. Designate no entry zones for children who are old enough to understand. Make sure that your spaces are clutter free. It’s safer for your kids and for you too. The workshop is no place for small kids. But, if they do happen to accidentally wander in, I know that there are no tools that they can trip over or play with since they are safely tucked away from their reach inside my Waterloo tool center.

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