Tips To Make Kids Bedtime Easier

The quality of sleep is essential for the health and for the proper condition of the body. Especially for the kids, the amount of sleep is more than important and many parents experiment with different methods that will help for dealing with sleep issues. Bedtime often occurs to be a real battle as many children refuse to follow a strict schedule and to go to bed at the same time, every single day. Even when they are tired and do not seem to be preoccupied with something important, kids often tend to be very stubborn when they need to go to bed. They often accept this as a punishment from their parents and getting them to bed can really become more than difficult.
kids bedtime

The regular schedules really impact the kids’ ability to have sound sleep and for that reason it is more than important to establish good cleaning habits in them.

There are no definite rules how to deal with this problem, as it is strongly individual for every family, however there are certain tips that could make the process easier according to Swiss Cottage TenancyCleaners. If you follow them you will be able to encourage your kids to go to sleep in an easy way.

Establish a Consistent Routine

Routines are of a great importance for kids and especially for the quality of their sleep. If the kid performs definite activities before bed time this will create a consistent routine in their mind. For example, if the kid takes a bath before going to bed this will be a signal that bedtime is approaching. In this way the body of the child prepares automatically for the sleep, once the routine has been established. The consistency here plays a great role and helps for making your kids go to sleep in an easy way.

Ensure the comfort in bed

As a parent you need to make sure that the kid feels comfortable in its bed. Check all the blankets and pillows and clean and wash everything in an ideal way. Children can be really sensitive even for tiny details so check out carefully everything, because if the kid feels uncomfortable, it will be reluctant to go to bed. The pillows need to be of appropriate size and in addition to this you can also pay attention to the pyjamas. Make sure that the child is keen on the type and colour of their pyjamas – believe it or not you can meet a lot of difficulties when bedtime comes, if the children are not keen on their pyjamas.

The efficiency of the reward system

This system has proven its efficiency and there is nothing wrong to give a reward for the well established sleeping habits. Each night the child goes to bed you can write down a tick in a notebook. Explain the child that when he receive more ticks, it will receive a prize. After a while the kid will develop the habit without even realizing it and on the other hand it will be content to struggle for the prize.

These are some of the effective ways through which you can make the kids’ bedtime easier. Make sure that their rooms are all cleaned and arranged in the best way. The bed should also be clean and comfortable so that the child could enjoy the sleep without problems. If you take into account the following tips, the kids’ bedtime won’t cause any fight or further problems and you, as a parent will be able to take a rest from the busy day. The well established routine for sleep will be beneficial for the whole family.

Pheeby Snow is a mother of two delightful twin girls. They are always full of energy and ready to play and tickle so bedtime is harder than you can imagine.

Kids Party Tips to Minimize the Clean Up Time

Kids parties are often considered to bring a lot of excitement and positive emotions to the children but unfortunately adults regard these parties as an activity that is demanding and tiresome. When hosting a kids party, every housewife dread to think about the mess and the clean up that has to be performed once the party is over. As a matter of fact, kids parties bring some benefits. Kids don’t smoke so you are not going to have your upholstery burned or your favourite table cloth stained. However, there is another side of the coin. No adult would draw pictures on your walls or leave fingerprints onto the windows on purpose. Although kids parties require you to spend a considerable amount of time in cleaning, you can still reduce it by planning ahead and following these simple steps:

kids party• Is it really necessary to remind you to buy a pack of disposable plates, forks, knives etc.? Apart form saving you a lot of time you would otherwise have spent in washing dishes, the disposable cups and plates are also less dangerous. When dropped on the floor, they are not going to cause an injury or hurt the kid. When the party is over, you can simply gather them in a plastic bag and throw them away.

• The day before the kids party, take a walk around your house, looking for easy to reach, expensive or fragile items. Put them in a safe place. Everything you consider to be dangerous, poisonous or delicate should be kept out of reach.

• What do you think about having the kids party in the backyard? If you have a nice – looking garden or a spacious backyard why don’t you opt for taking the party outdoors? You will be amazed how quickly you will finish the cleaning and bring the backyard back to its normal condition. Plus, having the party outside enables you to skip the procedure mentioned above. There is no need to worry about your expensive possessions.

• If the weather conditions don’t allow the party to be outside, do your best to solve some of the cleaning issues right away. Of course, you don’t have to equip yourself with a mop and rubber gloves waiting for a spillage or stain to deal with but there are some things that require your urgent attention. Sweep the broken glass immediately and don’t let the juice absorb into the carpet or the upholstery fibres. Place a cloth onto the stain as soon as possible.

• This leads to the next recommendation. If you have an expensive set of carpets, roll it up and place some old ones on the floor. Of course, nobody can guarantee that all the kids who are going to attend the party are well – mannered and they will take their dirty shoes off. In other words prepare yourself for a thorough vacuuming and carpet cleaning but in case of a severe damage, you won’t feel sorry for the money you have invested in the carpet. If you don’t have enough time for that hire Sparkling Carpet Cleaners to do it for you.

• It is a well known fact that windows are one of the problematic areas that need vigorous cleaning after the party. You can protect them without wasting your money. All you need is a homemade window cleaning detergent and a newspaper. Apart from quickly absorbing the dirt, the newspaper is said to create a dirt – resistant film that makes the cleaning fairly easy.

• If timely, treated, the stains on the walls will completely disappear provided that you use a powerful all purpose cleaner or a mixture of lukewarm water and soap. It all depends on the type of painting you have.

Safety Labels in Buying Toys for Kids

The holidays are just around the corner and those who have not started on their Christmas list yet would probably end up cramming by December. Parents, and everybody else who have kids on their list, can start scouring the toy stores for gifts to avoid the rush. Cramming or not, one should be smart when it comes to buying toys for kids. Always make sure that the toy is age appropriate and safe for the child to use.

buying toys for kids

There are plenty of safety concerns that can easily be overlooked once you find irresistible toys on display. These concerns can range from small parts that may cause choking, stuffed animals that may harbor germs and bacteria, or toys with lead content and other harmful chemicals. Always check the labels when buying toys for kids. You can be surprised at how much information you can get by just looking at the logos printed in the toy box. For instance, toys that bear the Lion Mark have complied with the safety and quality standards set by the British Toy and Hobby Association’s (BTHA) code of practice. Other marks of quality are the CE logo and ISO seal or certification. The CE logo proves that the toy is intended for sale in EU and has been tested for compliance with EN71. European toy safety standards embodied in EN71 is among the highest in the world. As for the ISO seals, international standards for toy safety were used as benchmark for testing the toys.

Aside from the testing compliance seals, toy shoppers should also check for warning labels. These are text labels that explain potential danger or harm that may be done with improper handling of toys. For example, choking hazard warnings are commonly found in toys with small parts or inflatable toys like balloons. Warning labels are usually symbolized by a triangle with an exclamation mark inside. It is then followed by the text explaining the hazards that may occur while playing with the toy.

Age-appropriate labels are also important considerations in buying toys for kids, especially for young children. This helps ensure that the toy will be safe enough for them to handle. The CE logo, Lion Mark, and ISO Seal are marks that help consumers gauge the safety of toys. They may be more expensive than other toys, but one cannot put a price on a child’s safety.

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Why You Should Employ Play Mats in Children’s Play Areas

Play areas for children are key venues for children’s development. They can be dangerous spaces, as it is likely that the children will fall down or hurt themselves at one point. This is why protective flooring needs to be in place, but there are mats which can provide support and minimise the chance of injury.

In any space where children play together, steps need to be taken to ensure their safety. This is particularly true in school playgrounds, play areas in the park and soft rooms. These are all important places for children as it is where they learn social skills, improve their confidence and have fun. The way in which children play can often lead to injuries and accidents though, and this could be through falling down, running into one another or hurting themselves on a jungle gym, swing or something similar. This is unfortunately unavoidable, but it should not stop parents from letting their children play. It is hugely important in terms of their development, so the best solution is to ensure that the play area is as safe as possible for everyone.

play mats

The best way to achieve this is by making sure you’ve used the right flooring. If you provide flooring that is soft it means that if they do fall down then the flooring will absorb the contact, and minimise the chance of a cut, bruise, sprain or a more serious injury. With flooring like this it will give the kids confidence to play and make it more enjoyable for them. Of course it is important that the flooring is not too soft, as it needs to be relatively firm so that everyone can move around freely. There are all kinds of mats that you can lay which will provide this for the kids, and there is also the option of rubber flooring too which you will find in gyms and similar areas.

The best approach is to look for play mats from specialist suppliers. There are companies that provide mats for playgrounds, gyms, martial art centres, gymnastic centres and any similar space. This way you can be sure that the flooring you are getting will be supportive, but also firm enough so that everyone can still enjoy themselves. If you have ever been in a gymnastic centre or martial art centre then you will know what this is like, and it is perfect for anywhere that children play. With flooring like this, if a child were to fall over then the mat will absorb the contact and not cause them too much pain. This will ensure that every time children play in this space they will be able to enjoy themselves, and not feel anxious about falling down and hurting themselves.

Areas in which children play are incredibly important, but they can also be dangerous places. The children will inevitably fall down or run into one another, and the only way to reduce the damage that this can do is through protective flooring. There are mats that you can get specifically for play areas, and when these are put down it will create a welcoming, fun space for children to play with confidence. For mats like this though it is important that you get them from a specialist supplier that will be able to help.

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Honing Survival Skills for Kids

The importance of equipping kids with survival skills becomes more apparent with the effects of climate change. A week hardly passes by without an incident of flooding, earthquake, or unusual weather condition being experienced in different parts of the world. It is hard to tell when disaster may strike and one of the best ways to protect the family against these events is to prepare them. When it comes to teaching kids about dealing with disasters, a lecture is the last thing that you would want to do. Fortunately, there are fun ways to teach survival skills for kids.

Camping is a great way to hone survival skills for kids.
Camping is a great way to hone survival skills for kids.

Books, videos, and movies offer an entertaining way to learn about dealing with disasters. Mickey and Friends Disaster Preparedness Activity Books, Safety Patrol Cartoon Series, and movies like The Day After Tomorrow are some examples of tools that subtly teach the kids about disasters and how to deal with them. It would be best if parents can guide their kids through these activities to make sure that the kids fully understand the concept of surviving through disasters. Parents can also take advantage of some fun summer activities like camping and swimming for a more practical approach.

Camping is a great way to hone survival skills for kids. Summer camp activities usually include finding or building shelter, making a fire, fishing, and sometimes even foraging for food in the woods. Exposing kids to somehow rough conditions under less stressful circumstances is one way to help them prepare for situations wherein families are left homeless or displaced after a disaster. Learning how to swim is another survival skill that children have to learn. Parents may opt to enroll their child to a swimming school or teach the kids themselves so they can have extra bonding activities with their children. It can be a regular recreation activity or a fitness regimen for the whole family to help develop strong swimmers.

No amount of preparation can guarantee your child’s safety when disaster strikes. But a set of survival skills for kids can help increase their chances of getting through it. Camping and swimming are good starts for those who have been living a techie lifestyle or those who are dependent on modern conveniences.