The Versatile Blogger Award

I received this blogger award three days ago. Sorry MJ for posting it just now. You know Mommies like me have so many errands to do. It’s been a while since I received a blogging award and I am really grateful. It means that someone believes in me and thinks that my site is fabulous. For this, I would like to thank MJ of MJDotCom.
Second rule is to share 7 things about myself. Here are the 7 things about me that I think you still don’t know.
I am a fan of Bob Ong.
I am too lazy to exercise but I have to.
I am OC and want everything in order.
I underwent fertility work-ups and it is all worth it.
I am a stage mother.
I seldom get mad.
I am currently addicted to isaw ng manok or chicken intestines.
Last rule is to pass this blogger award along to 15 bloggers who I recently discovered and thinks are fabulous then contact them to let them know. So I am passing this to…
Hearts Content of a Mama
Jennyholic, Confession of an Addict
GIRLie’s Stuff
Pen, Paper, Pan
Haren’s Corner
The Earth and I
WAHM Buddies
My Little Home
An Autobiography in the Works
Pinay Expat Blogger
Pretty Things in Life
The Smart Shopper
Brilliant Days
Kidz Power
Peach and Things
For those I have passed on this award, here’s what you should do next:
– Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
– PASS Along to 15 Bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.
– Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award.

My Food Blog is Back

My food site is back with a new name “Kitchen Essentials”. Yes, I am pickle-minded most of the time but you can’t blame me because I am a woman (what an excuse!) Seriously, I have lots of time this vacation and since opps are rare, which makes me bored, I decided to customize my old food blog and create a new site.

“Kitchen Essentials” is about foods, recipes, kitchen tips, kitchen equipments, etc., while my new site “Arts, Crafts and More” is about visual arts wherein I will post my drawings and crafts and so as my daughter’s crafts  and anything related to visual arts. 

I would appreciate it very much if you will follow my new sites and add them in your blog roll. If you are interested in exchanging links with me, you can leave your comments together with your blog URL. Thank you in advance and more power to all of you my blogger friends.