Home Remedies for Cough and Colds

I had fever the other day due to cough and cold. RJ caught the virus and woke up yesterday with cough and colds. I guess the climate has to do with it.

I searched the net for home remedies for cough and colds and found these:

Ginger is an excellent remedy for colds and coughs. About ten grams of ginger should be cut into small pieces and boiled in a cup of water. It should then be strained and half a teaspoon of sugar added to it. This decoction should be drunk when hot. Ginger tea, prepared by adding a few pieces of ginger into boiled water before adding the tea leaves, is also an effective remedy for colds and for fevers resulting from cold. It may be taken twice daily.(source)

Garlic soup is an old remedy to reduce the severity of a cold, and should be taken once daily. The soup can be prepared by boiling three or four cloves of chopped garlic in a cup of water. Garlic contains antiseptic and antispasmodic properties, besides several other medicinal virtues. The oil contained in this vegetable helps to open up the respiratory passages. In soup form, it flushes out all toxins from the system and thus helps bring down fever. Five drops of garlic oil combined with a teaspoon of onion juice, and diluted in a cup of water, should be drunk two to three times a day. This has also been found to be very effective in the treatment of common cold.(source)

Red chili peppers may be good for a stuffy nose. As it turns out, capsaicin (the stuff in red chile peppers) is indeed good for opening up the sniffer and clearing out the gunk.(source)

Aloe and Honey. Aloe is bitter but the honey makes this quite palatable, making it easier to take your medicine. Particularly good for a dry cough. Aloe soothes and coats sore and irritated tissues. Honey does the same and gives you some energy to keep fighting.(source)

Chocolate can feel good on a sore throat, if you let it melt. But all of that sugar? Enough people have found chocolate helpful, however, to inspire some limited medical research. Theobromine, a component of chocolate, has been demonstrated to relieve coughing.(source)

Inhale steam to ease your congestion and drippy nose. Hold your head over a pot of boiling water and breathe through your nose. Be careful. If the steam burns your nose, breathe in more slowly. You can buy a humidifier, but the steam will be the same as the water on the stove. Moisture from a hot shower with the door closed, saline nasal spray, or a room humidifier is just as helpful to ease congestion.(source)

Use saline nasal sprays or make your own salt water rinse to irrigate your nose. Salt-water rinsing helps break nasal congestion while also removing virus particles and bacteria from your nose.(source)

Many viruses cause cough and colds. There’s no vaccine that can protect us against catching cough and colds. Virus particles can travel up to 12 feet (3.7 meters) through the air when someone with a cold coughs or sneezes. Wash your hands as often as you can and wear mask when going out.