It’s Kissing Time

Kissing is common in our house. It is our everyday thing just like saying our I love you’s. It’s typically an expression of our affection. I kiss RJ on the lips while Rhonnel kisses her only on her cheeks since she turned 7 years old. I also kiss RJ to comfort her and sometimes I kiss her bruise to make her feel better and tell you it works. I think its the psychological reaction.
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10 comments / Add your comment below

  1. i like the black and white effect!

    i also like the scene where daughter and daddy pouting their lips.

    nice photos! happy Mommy Moments!

  2. Oh so sweet, moments like these are treasured forever especially that it's captured in camera!

    Lovely Kisses at my page.

  3. Me too, my kisses sometimes make my husband and George feel bruised. lol. But I kiss them anyway, we Moms want our family member feel loved all the time and kisses is absolutely the medicine.

    Mel Cole's MM @ Hearts content.

  4. I like the kissing photos in black and white, sort of bring back a bit of nostalgia. When was the last time we ever had a photo in black and white? Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

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